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ENC In-Depth Podcast Series: War in Ukraine – Episode 10

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ENC In-Depth Podcast Series

War in Ukraine – Views from the EU and its Wider Neighbourhood

Episode 10

This ENC in-depth discussion is part of a special podcast series with academics and experts dedicated to the War in Ukraine. The series will provide views and investigate the repercussions of the war across the EU, the UK, and wider Europe. In the 10th episode we are focusing on implication for North Africa with views from Egypt and Tunisia.

The discussion was moderated by Andreas Marazis, ENC Head of Research for Eastern Europe & Central Asia, and features the comments and insights of our academic council members Dr. Ebtisam Hussein, tenure holder of Political Science at Cairo University, who currently serves as Associate Professor of Political Science at New Giza University in Egypt and Dr. Emna Ben Arab, Assistant Professor at the University of Sfax in Tunisia.

You can listen the in-depth interview here:

Beyond Erasmus Training and Lecture Programme (2021-2022)

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Beyond Erasmus Hybrid Training and Lecture Programme (2021-2022)

The European Neighbourhood Council (ENC), in cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) office in Turkey has recently concluded a hybrid educational programme titled “Beyond Erasmus: Education, Exchanges and Employment opportunities for youth in the EU and Turkey”. The project promotes Erasmus+ student mobility, youth exchanges, internships, training courses, networking, access to funding for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), free market entrepreneurship and Civil Society Organisations (CSO).

The project created exchanges with a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, further training and career prospects for youth in EU and Turkey. Participants from Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Turkey gained skills in the private, civil society and public sector, while staying anchored to EU legislation, strategies and new priority topics. Throughout the programme, participants were encouraged to support each other and develop their professional networks. Against the current context of Turkish isolation, the project had a strong focus on establishing lasting friendships and exchanging ties as well as instilling skills, instruments and future financial options within the participants to support liberal universal values and cementing ties between the EU and Turkey.

The Beyond Erasmus was divided in three phases:
I) October-November 2021: 40 participants – mainly young graduates – from Turkey, Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands – attended a series of six online training sessions engaging with inspiring and talented professionals from Europe and Turkey working in media, audiovisual, think tank, Civil Society, European Commission, Academia and private sector.

II) February 2022: Seven finalists from the 1st phase participated in a networking fellowship trip in Brussels during which they had the opportunity to meet with diverse people, among others, the liberal VP of the Renew Europe party, MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk, the MP from Brussels citizen’s assembly, Pepijn Kennis, and the senior European Commission officer Bernard Brunet (DG NEAR). The group also had the chance to exchange ideas and engage with cultural institutions, journalists and entrepreneurs while bonding with one another.

III) March-April 2022: The seven Beyond Erasmus fellows were called to share their views and experiences during three lectures in public academic institutions across Turkey. They shared their Erasmus exchange experience, explained the benefits of such programmes – including networking opportunities – and the rationale behind their participation in the Beyond Erasmus project with students from Çukurova University (Adana), Eskisehir Osmangazi and Anadolu Universities (Eskisehir) and Ondokuz Mayıs University (Samsun).

The continuous support by local academic institutions in Turkey coupled with high volume formal and informal exchanges among student, our experts and our fellows, showcases the importance of exchange programmes and the need to stay connected, to work together, to share knowledge and ideas at the academic, political, economic and societal level.

Learn more about our hybrid training and lecture programme by watching the short video below in which ENC Managing Director, Samuel Doveri Vesterbye and the Head of the FNF office in Turkey, Beate Apelt share the key features and the rationale behind the Beyond Erasmus programme:

ENC Analysis: How the War in Ukraine Affects Countries that Depend on Russia

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ENC Analysis

How the War in Ukraine Affects Countries that Depend on Russia

The European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) released its new analysis entitled “How the War in Ukraine Affects Countries that Depend on Russia.’’

The ENC Analysis is written by our Academic Council Member Dr. Karolina Kluczewska who is a postdoctoral researcher at the Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES) at Ghent University.

In Tajikistan, as in most parts of the world, the news about the war in Ukraine was received with surprise and disbelief. In a country that witnessed violence, displacement and deaths during the civil war that started immediately after Tajikistan’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, some people felt sympathetic towards Ukrainian refugees and talked about the victims of war with compassion. Others, who follow Russian media, which are still very popular in the country, sided with the Russian government’s version of events. Yet, initially the war in Ukraine was not a big concern for the majority of people. Very soon, however, it became clear to many people that the war in Ukraine, although having nothing to do with their country, would have a direct impact on their lives. In this publication Dr. Kluczewska discusses how the first weeks of the war in Ukraine affected Tajikistan.


The full analysis is available here.

ENC In-Depth Podcast: How the War in Ukraine Affects Countries That Depend On Russia

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ENC In-Depth Podcast

How the War in Ukraine Affects Countries That Depend On Russia

This ENC In-Depth podcast is dedicated to the recently published ENC Analysis: “How the War in Ukraine Affects Countries That Depend On Russia” by our Academic Council Member Dr. Karolina Kluczewska who is postdoctoral researcher at the Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES).

In her article, Dr. Kluczewska provides views from Tajikistan and argues that Dushanbe has limited or no space for manoeuvre and that the war in Ukraine has serious impact on the livelihood of Tajiks, especially the ones who are in rural areas.

The discussion was moderated by Andreas Marazis, ENC Head of Research for Eastern Europe & Central Asia, and features the comments and insights of  Dr. Karolina Kluczewska.

You can listen the in-depth interview here:

Beyond Erasmus Phase III: Lectures Across Turkey

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Beyond Erasmus

Education, Exchanges and Employment opportunities for youth in the EU and Turkey

Phase III

All good things must come to an end they say, and the same rule applies to our “Beyond Erasmus” project – at least for now! In between 30th of March and 4th of April, the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) team along with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) team in Turkey traveled and organised three lectures in Adana, Eskisehir and Samsun. The series of lectures were part of the 3rd and final phase of the hybrid training programme “Beyond Erasmus: Education, Exchanges and Employment opportunities for youth in the EU and Turkey” which started during November 2021.

After the successful networking trip in Brussels, the Beyond Erasmus fellows, namely, Cem, Sinan, Cagla, Ecenur, Mathilde, Katharina, and Selen were called to share their views and experiences during three lectures in public academic institutions across Turkey. They shared their Erasmus exchange experience, explained the benefits of such programmes – including networking opportunities – and the rationale behind their participation in the Beyond Erasmus project with students from Çukurova University (Adana), Eskisehir Osmangazi and Anadolu Universities (Eskisehir) and Ondokuz Mayıs University (Samsun).

First Stop: Adana

During the lectures the focus was on EU – Turkey relations, each time shedding light into a different aspect. At Çukurova University, the keynote presentation by Ali Yaras, energy and sustainability expert, was dedicated to climate change and environmental policies. Mr. Yaras talked, among other things, about key environmental treaties, the significance of the ratification of the Paris agreement by Turkey and what it means for Turkish producers and subsequently for consumers. Considering the ongoing war in Ukraine, he also highlighted the importance of investing more on renewables and decrease the country’s energy reliance on fossil fuels.

Next Destination: Eskisehir

In Eskisehir, digital journalism, fact-checking and digital marketing were in the spotlight. Burak Ütücü, video journalist with the Turkish service of the Independent and founder of Observe Turkey talked about the importance of student-level journalism, the story behind Observe Turkey and shared useful tips about digital journalism. Ezgi Toprak, fact-checker at, in her presentation explained why fact-checking is necessary with practical examples from daily news, and the nexus between education, distrust towards media and fake news. Finally, Ahmet Balat, digital marketing expert and co-founder of Brandok Performance Marketing Agency, spoke about clickbait, what it is, how it works, the connection between clickbait and social media following patterns and shared tips on how to avoid it.

Final Stop: Samsun

The 3rd and final lecture took place on the shores of the Black Sea in the city of Samsun, where for the first time ENC and FNF teams had the chance to interact with academics and students from Ondokuz Mayıs University. In front of an audience of nearly 200 students, Dr. Cigdem Nas, Secretary General at the Economic Development Foundation  (IKV) and Associate Prof. at Yildiz University, had the opportunity to talk about EU – Turkey economic and trade relations.

During the lecture Dr. Nas provided background information about the Customs Union (CU) and how transformative in has been for Turkish economy since 1995. She shed light on why it is essential to renew the CU, why negotiations have been blocked and how to potentially unblock them. Finally, she briefly covered the European Green Deal and its impact on EU – Turkey relations.

The continuous support by local academic institutions in Turkey coupled with high volume formal and informal exchanges among student, our experts and our fellows, showcases the importance of exchange programmes and the need to stay connected, to work together, to share knowledge and ideas at the academic, political, economic and societal level.

The 2021-2022 Beyond Erasmus programme is over, but ENC in cooperation with its long-lasting partners will be back with new innovative programmes to engage with youth and strengthen academic and people-to-people connectivity. Stay tuned…

Launch of the Sanarip Insan Project

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Launch of the Sanarip Insan project


On 31 March 2022, a forum on “Promoting Equal Economic Opportunities and Resilience of Youth” was held at the Park Hotel Conference Hall, where the Sanarip Insan Project was launched. The round table was held in a hybrid format, with more than 80 guests from the public and private sectors attending offline and international partners and viewers from remote regions of the Kyrgyz Republic attending online.  

The Sanarip Insan project aims to build digital skills capacity among young people, migrants and women, from basic digital literacy to more in-demand digital skills such as information search, use of digital platforms, use of social media functionality, financial operations, online commerce and advanced entrepreneurial skills using information technology. The project plans to reach 100,000 people. 

The Sanarip Insan project is implemented by the European Neighbourhood Council together with the Kyrgyz Internet Society with the financial support of the European Union.

The roundtable combined a business conference with the national traditions of the Kyrgyz people. At the beginning of the forum, the six-year-old Manaschi performed several Manas commandments. Then, during the forum, Raimonds Vingris, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, gave a “Tushoo kesүү” to the child to mark the opening of the project. 

Raimonds Vingris, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, spoke about increasing knowledge in digital skills among the population to ensure rapid employment: “Even in EU countries, there is a digital divide. Adult citizens with low levels of digital skills are more likely to have problems finding jobs, and even when they are employed, they get less than adults with higher levels of digital skills,” he said.

Soyuzbek Nadyrbekov, Deputy Minister of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic, was introduced to all aspects of the project and expressed his great desire to cooperate to jointly improve knowledge in digital literacy among citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic. 

Nurdölöt Bazarbaev, Deputy Minister of Labour, Social Security and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic, shared that the digital literacy of the population, in the future, will enable the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic to import digital services to international companies while staying in their home country. 

Ulanbek Mambetakunov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, shared a great desire to cooperate and improve the digital knowledge and skills of the population to achieve sustainable development goals: “We should pay attention to poverty eradication, to quality education, and necessarily consider digital skills to achieve sustainable development goals. The Ministry of Education and other ministries and agencies are making great efforts to develop digital skills, information literacy and as far as you know, a draft of the state educational standard for primary general education is currently being prepared, where one of the objectives is to develop digital literacy plus increase students’ knowledge on the green economy”. 

Internet creator and Google VP – Vinton Cerf also spoke at the forum, where he shared the importance of teaching digital skills to vulnerable groups in order to increase the capacity of the population.

Maria Bevza, Project Coordinator at the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) spoke about the implementation of the Sanarip Insan project and the targets to be achieved over the next 2 years. 

Leaders of youth and women’s organisations such as SheStarts, Mutakalim, Otkrytaya Liniya, shared their views on the need to promote equal economic opportunities and sustainability for youth and women in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The forum was the opening event of the Sanarip Insan project where partners, state authorities, media and beneficiaries came to an agreement on cooperation to maximise the promotion of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic through enhanced digital skills. 

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This website was created and/or maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) / Public Association “Internet Society Kyrgyzstan Chapter” and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union’.

Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic
21 Erkindik Boulevard, Business Centre Orion, 5th floor
Bishkek, 720040, Kyrgyz Republic

Telephone: +996 312 26 10 00
Fax: +996 312 26 10 07


The European Union is made up of 27 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources, and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 60 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy, and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance, and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.


ENC In-Depth Podcast: EU – Turkey Economic and Transport Relations

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ENC In-Depth Podcast

 EU – Turkey Economic and Transport Relations

This ENC in-depth discussion is part of a mini-series of podcasts focused on the EU – Turkey economic and transport relations with experts covering topics such as the customs union, transport fees, trade and logistics among else. The discussions are part of the “A New Road Transport Cooperation Between Turkey and European Union: Expectations and Possibilities” programme.

The third and last episode is dedicated to EU – Turkey economic and transport relations with an emphasis given to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine on transportation and logistics across Europe and Eurasia, with a specific focus on the geo-economic implications of new trade routes, block, bottlenecks and sanctions on EU-Turkey relations and transport policy, as well as the need for EU-Turkey Customs Union reform.

The discussion was moderated by Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, ENC Managing Director and features the comments and insights of Dr. Cigdem Nas, Secretary General at the Economic Development Foundation of Turkey (IKV) and Alper Ozel, Chairperson of the Executive Committee of International Transporters Association (UND).

You can listen the in-depth interview here:

ENC In-Depth Podcast: EU – Turkey Relations: Customs Union Modernisation in the Spotlight

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Beyond Erasmus

Education, Exchanges and Employment opportunities for youth in the EU and Turkey – Phase III

Podcast Episode 3

This ENC in-depth discussion is part of a mini-series of podcasts with experts from Turkey covering topics such as enviromental policies, digital journalism and trade. The discussions are part of the Beyond Erasmus training programme, a project supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation office in Turkey.

The third and last episode is dedicated to EU – Turkey economic relations with an emphasis on customs union modernisation process. The discussion was moderated by Andreas Marazis, ENC Head of Research for Eastern Europe & Central Asia, and features the comments and insights of Dr. Cigdem Nas, Secretary General at the Economic Development Foundation of Turkey (IKV) and Associate Professor at Yildiz University.

You can listen the in-depth interview here:

ENC In-Depth Podcast: Digital Journalism, Fact-checking and Digital Marketing in Turkey

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Beyond Erasmus

Education, Exchanges and Employment opportunities for youth in the EU and Turkey – Phase III

Podcast Episode 2

This ENC in-depth discussion is part of a mini-series of podcasts with experts from Turkey covering topics such as enviromental policies, digital journalism and trade. The discussions are part of the Beyond Erasmus training programme, a project supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation office in Turkey.

The second episode is dedicated to digital journalism, fact-checking and digital marketing in Turkey. The discussion was moderated by Andreas Marazis, ENC Head of Research for Eastern Europe & Central Asia, and features the comments and insights of Sait Burak Utucu, video journalist at the Turkish service of the Independent, Ezgi Toprak, fact-checker at and Ahmet Balat, Co-Founder of Brandok Performance Marketing Agency.

You can listen the in-depth interview here:

ENC IN-DEPTH PODCAST: Going Green in Turkey – Environmental Challenges and Opportunities

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Beyond Erasmus

Education, Exchanges and Employment opportunities for youth in the EU and Turkey – Phase III

Podcast Episode 1

This ENC in-depth discussion is part of a min-series of podcasts with experts from Turkey covering topics such as enviromental policies, digital journalism and trade. The discussions are part of the Beyond Erasmus training programme, a project supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation office in Turkey.

The first episode is dedicated to environmental policies, challenges and opportunities for Turkey in its effort to move towards sustainable and green energy solutions. The discussion was moderated by Andreas Marazis, ENC Head of Research for Eastern Europe & Central Asia, and features the comments and insights of Ali Yaras, energy and sustainability expert.

You can listen the in-depth interview here: