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ENC Analysis-‘You Will Never Walk Alone’: The resilience of women in Türkiye amidst femicides

By Publications

‘You Will Never Walk Alone’: The resilience of women in Türkiye amidst femicides

The European Neighborhood Council (ENC) released its new analysis on “’You Will Never Walk Alone’: The resilience of women in Türkiye amidst femicides.

The article is written by Asuman Kubra Bas, ENC Project Manager and Researcher.

The femicide crisis in Türkiye extends beyond the numbers, which remain crucial in understanding its scale. However, these figures alone cannot capture the societal and structural issues fueling the violence. In this ENC analysis, the author delves into the realities behind the data, uncovering some of the recently surfaced problems driving or exacerbating femicides in Türkiye and exploring actionable solutions.

The full paper is available here.


ENC In-Depth Podcast: Central Asia’s Water Struggle: A Discussion with Bruce Pannier

By ENC In-Depth, Podcast

Central Asia’s Water Struggle: A Discussion with Bruce Pannier

The in-depth discussion is dedicated to the recently published ENC Analysis “ECentral Asia’s Battle with Water Scarcity: Government and International Interventions” by our Academic Council Member Bruce Pannier.

In his article, Bruce Pannier, explains the ongoing water scarcity issues in Central Asia and discusses the efforts of both Central Asian governments and international partners, including the European Union, to mitigate these challenges.

The discussion was moderated by Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, ENC Managing Director, and features the comments and insights of Bruce Pannier, a longtime journalist, ENC External Advisor, and Central Asia Fellow in Eurasia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

Listen the in-depth discussion here:

ENC In-Depth Podcast: Unpacking Germany’s Supply Chain Law’s Connection with CSOs and Unions

By ENC In-Depth

ENC In-Depth Podcast

Unpacking Germany’s Supply Chain Law’s Connection with CSOs and Unions

The in-depth discussion is dedicated to the “Strengthening Business and Human Rights Awareness and Monitoring Capacity of Business and Civil Society Actors through Capacity Building” Project, which is implemented by the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) and the Minerva Business and Human Rights Association (Minerva BHR) with the financial support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Istanbul.

In this podcast, Asuman Kübra Baş, ENC Managing Director, Serra Zoraloğlu, and Özge Nur Kara, Minerva BHR Projects and Services Coordinators, discussed, among other topics, the role that CSOs play in monitoring and advocating for the successful implementation of the German Supply Chain Act, the importance of collaboration, the necessity of capacity building initiatives, and the sectors that most require awareness raising.

You can listen the in-depth interview here:

ENC In-Depth Podcast: The Dynamics of Russia’s Policies in the Central Asian Region

By ENC In-Depth

ENC In-Depth Podcast: The Dynamics of Russia’s Policies in the Central Asian Region

The in-depth discussion is dedicated to the recently published ENC Analysis “Understanding Russia’s Central Asia Policy” by our Academic Council Member Dr. Aijan Sharshenova.

In her article, Dr. Sharshenova delves deep into the dynamics of Russia’s policies in the Central Asian region, providing valuable insights into key trends and strategic considerations as well as examines the evolving nature of Russia’s approach toward Central Asia, taking into account significant geopolitical shifts, economic strategies, and security dynamics

The discussion was moderated by Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, ENC Managing Director, and features the comments and insights of Aijan Sharshenova, Executive Director at Crossroads Central Asia and a research fellow at the Foreign Policy Centre in London.

You can listen the in-depth interview here:

Competition for the provision of Expenditure Verification

By Vacancy Announcements

Competition for the Provision of Expenditure Verification

Competition for the provision of expenditure verification with regard to the financial report for the grant contract.

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Closing date: 14 March 2024 10:00″

ENC announces a competition for the provision of EXPENDITURE VERIFICATION with regard to the financial report for the grant contract undertaken in accordance with:

  • the International Standard on Related Services (‘ISRS’) 4400 Engagements to perform Agreed-upon Procedures regarding Financial Information as promulgated by the IFAC;
  • the IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, developed and issued by IFAC’s International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA).
  • The Expenditure Verifier is independent from the Coordinator and complies with the independence requirements of the IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
    The specific procedure is listed in the terms of reference attached.
    Please send the expression of your interest with the quote by March 14, 2024. More information available here.

ENC In-Depth Podcast: AB-Türkiye İliskileri Baglaminda Yenilebilir Enerji

By ENC In-Depth

AB-Türkiye İliskileri Baglaminda Yenilebilir Enerji

Bu podcast “Türkiye Eğitim Programı” isimli proje kapsamında European Neighbourhood Council tarafından Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) Türkiye‘nin finansal desteğiyle çekilmiştir.

Bu bölümde Asuman Kübra Baş (Proje Yöneticisi ve Araştırmacı, ENC) ve Akın A. Çilekoğlu (Sürdürülebilirlik ve İklim Politikası Danışmanı), yenilenebilir enerjinin Türkiye için önemini, Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’nin yenilenebilir enerji politikalarını ve tarafların hali hazırdaki işbirliklerini ve gelecekteki işbirliği alanları üzerine konuştular.

Moderasyon Asuman Kübra Baş tarafından yapılmış olup Akın A. Çilekoğlu‘nun görüşlerini içermektedir.

Bölümü aşağıdan dinleyebilirsiniz:

Renewable Energy in the context of EU-Türkiye Relations

The in-depth discussion is dedicated to the Turkey Training Programme Project, which is implemented by the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) with the financial support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) Türkiye.

In this podcast, Asuman Kübra Baş, ENC Project Manager and Researcher, and Akın. A Çilekoğlu, Climate Policy Consultant, talked about, among other topics, the significance of renewable energy for Türkiye, the initiatives that the EU and Türkiye are involved in, and ways that the parties can improve their cooperation and relationship in the context of renewable energy.

The discussion was moderated by Asuman Kübra Baş and features the comments and insights of Akın A. Çilekoğlu

You can listen the in-depth interview in Turkish here:

ENC In-Depth Podcast – Navigating Compliance and Sustainability: Turkish Businesses in the Era of German Supply Chain Law

By ENC In-Depth, Podcast

ENC In-Depth Podcast – Navigating Compliance and Sustainability: Turkish Businesses in the Era of German Supply Chain Law

The in-depth discussion is dedicated to the “Strengthening Business and Human Rights Awareness and Monitoring Capacity of Business and Civil Society Actors through Capacity Building” Project, which is implemented by the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) and the Minerva Business and Human Rights Association (Minerva BHR) with the financial support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Istanbul.

In this podcast, Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, ENC Managing Director, and Emre Keki, ENC Researcher and Senior Partner at PAE Law, talked about, among other topics, the key components of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), the importance of the law, the risks and opportunities it presents for Turkish companies operating in German supply chains, and the strategies they can use to adapt.

The discussion was moderated by Samuel Doveri Vesterbye and features the comments and insights of Emre Keki.

You can listen the in-depth interview here:

ENC Analysis – Understanding Russia’s Central Asia Policy

By Publications, Research

Understanding Russia’s Central Asia Policy

The European Neighborhood Council (ENC) released a new analysis on Russia’s Central Asia policy.

This article is written by our Academic Council Member Dr. Aijan Sharshenova who is the Executive Director at Crossroads Central Asia and a research fellow at the Foreign Policy Centre in London.

This analysis delves deep into the dynamics of Russia’s policies in the Central Asian region, providing valuable insights into key trends and strategic considerations. Dr. Sharshenova examines the evolving nature of Russia’s approach toward Central Asia, taking into account significant geopolitical shifts, economic strategies, and security dynamics.

The full analysis is available here.

ENC and FNF Türkiye organized a series of workshops with the university students in the Southeast Türkiye

By Events, Projects

ENC and FNF Türkiye organized a series of workshops with the university students in the Southeast Türkiye

The primary objective of the project was to equip Turkish students, aged 18 to 26, from diverse regions of Turkey with comprehensive knowledge on key thematic priority areas of the EU. These included green energy and environment, foreign policy, polarization, independent institutions, and free media, with a focus on understanding their relevance to Turkey and EU-Turkey relations.

Distinguished experts, including Can Selçuki, Founder of Istanbul Economics Research, Akın A. Çilekoğlu, Sustainability and Climate Policy Consultant, and Beşire Korkmaz, Editor at Teyit, shared their insights during the workshops. The discussions covered a range of topics, such as The Future of European Union and Turkey Relations, Renewable Energy in the Context of EU-Turkey Relations, and the significance of Independent Institutions in Times of Polarisation and fake news.

The inaugural workshop, held at Çukurova University on November 13, Can Selçuki engaged students in a thought-provoking discussion on the future of EU-Turkey relations and the perceptions of Turkish youth. The session delved into topics like young people’s priorities today, the inseparability of EU-Turkey relations, and the future outlook beyond Turkey’s accession, contemplating economy and security. 

On November 15, Akın A. Çilekoğlu captivated students with insights into Renewable Energy in the Context of EU-Turkey Relations, sparking high interest and numerous questions in the renewable energy sector. The enthusiastic engagement of Turkish students reflected a growing interest in sustainability, emphasizing their keen awareness of the pivotal role renewable energy plays in shaping the future of both Turkey and its relations with the European Union.

The final workshop on November 17, hosted at Gaziantep University by the ENC and FNF office in Turkey, featured Beşire Korkmaz as the keynote speaker. She shed light on the critical role of independent institutions in times of polarisation and fake news and disinformation on Syrian refugees. The subsequent discussion involved students actively engaging in questions related to disinformation and ongoing research on polarisation.

These university workshops not only served as platforms for valuable dialogue but also fostered collaboration between EU and Turkish professors and students. The lively discussions underscored the significance of such training programs, emphasizing the need for sustained communication, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing across societal, political, economic, and academic realms. The success of these events encourages further joint initiatives to fortify the relations between the EU and Turkey.

ENC ve FNF Türkiye Ofisi Güneydoğu Türkiye’de Üniversite Öğrencileriyle Bir Dizi Çalıştay Düzenledi

European Neighbourhood Council ve Friedrich Naumann Vakfı (FNF), Türkiye Eğitim Programı’nın bir parçası olarak 13-17 Kasım tarihleri arasında Çukurova, Mersin ve Gaziantep Üniversitelerinde Avrupa Birliği-Türkiye ilişkileri bağlamında çeşitli konularda atölye çalışmaları düzenledi.

Proje kapsamında, Türkiye’nin çeşitli bölgelerinden gelen 18-26 yaş arası Türk öğrencilere interaktif atölyeler verilerek AB’nin yeşil enerji ve çevre, dış politika, kutuplaşma, bağımsız kurumlar ve özgür medya gibi öncelik verdiği alanlarda bilgi sağlamaktı. Program çerçevesinde Can Selçuki, İstanbul Ekonomik Araştırmalar Kurumu Kurucusu, Akın A. Çilekoğlu, Sürdürülebilirlik ve İklim Politikası Danışmanı, ve Beşire Korkmaz, Teyit Editörü gibi seçkin uzmanlar, atölyeler sırasında görüşlerini paylaştılar. Tartışmalar, Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye İlişkilerinin Geleceği, AB-Türkiye İlişkileri Bağlamında Yenilenebilir Enerji ve Kutuplaşma Dönemlerinde Bağımsız Kurumların Önemi ve Bilgi Savaşları gibi konular üzerinden ilerledi.

13 Kasım’da Çukurova Üniversitesi’nde düzenlenen açılış atölyesinde Can Selçuki, Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinin geleceği ve Türk gençliğinin AB algısı üzerine düşündürücü bir tartışmada öğrencilerle buluştu. Oturum, gençlerin bugünkü öncelikleri, AB-Türkiye ilişkilerinin önemi ve bu bağlamda ekonomi ve güvenlik gibi konulara odaklandı.

15 Kasım’da Akın A. Çilekoğlu, öğrencilere AB-Türkiye İlişkileri Bağlamında Yenilenebilir Enerji konusundaki sunumuyla öğrencilere kapsamlı bir resim verdi ve pek çok soru yanıtladı. Üniversite öğrencilerin sorduğu sorular, sürdürülebilirliğe duydukları büyüyen ilgiyi yansıtarak, yenilenebilir enerjinin Türkiye’nin ve AB ile ilişkilerinin geleceğini şekillendirmedeki kilit rolüne dair önemini ortaya koydu.

17 Kasım’da Türkiye’deki ENC ve FNF Türkiye ofisi tarafından Gaziantep Üniversitesi’nde düzenlenen son atölyede Beşire Korkmaz ana konuşmacı olarak yer aldı. Korkmaz, kutuplaşma ve sahte haberlerin yanı sıra Suriyeli mültecilerle ilgili yanlış bilgi ve dezenformasyon sorununu kapsamlı bir şekilde ele aldı. 

Düzenlenen atölyeler, sadece diyaloga açık platformlar olarak hizmet etmekle kalmadı, aynı zamanda kurumlar arasında işbirliğini de teşvik etti. Tartışmalar ve yapılan fikir alışverişi, bu tür eğitim programlarının toplumsal, siyasi, ekonomik ve akademik alanlarda sürekli iletişim, işbirliği ve bilgi paylaşımına duyulan ihtiyacı vurguladı. 

ENC Analysis – EPC Summit: From Empty Chairs to the War in Israel

By Publications, Research

ENC Analysis – EPC Summit: From Empty Chairs to the War in Israel

The European Neighborhood Council (ENC) released a new analysis on the European Political Community (EPC) Summit held in Granada on 5 October 2023. 

This article is written by Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, ENC Managing Director, and Denis Cenusa, Associated Expert at the Eastern Europe Studies Centre and Think Tank “Expert-Grup”.

The European Political Community (EPC) Summit continues to achieve its main objective of fostering dialogue among more than 40 European countries regardless of whether they are EU members, despite the evolution of the EU’s EPC-related ambitions having produced rather limited results. In this ENC Analysis, the authors examine the expectations and the outcomes of the EPC-Granada Summit by focusing on the “empty chair crisis”, the war in Israel, connectivity, security, enlargement, migration, and the war in Ukraine.

The full analysis is available here