ENC In-Depth Podcast: The EU, China and Russia’s engagement in Central Asia after the war in Ukraine
The in-depth discussion is dedicated to the recently published study titled “The Return of Central Asia: The EU’s engagement with a region threatened by the Dragonbear” by the European Neighbourhood Council and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Multinational Development Policy Dialogue (MDPD) Brussels.
In this podcast, Samuel Doveri Vesterbye was joined by Dr. Farkhod Aminjonov, to discuss, among other topics, Russia’s position in Central Asia before and after the war in Ukraine, China’s growing security and economic interests in the region, how much investment will be needed in the Middle Corridor in order to reach the capacity in terms of trade and supply chains and how the EU can better engage in the region of Central Asia.
The discussion was moderated by Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, ENC Managing Director, and features the comments and insights of Dr. Farkhod Aminjonov, Assistant Professor at the College for Humanities at Zayed University, United Arab Emirates.
You can listen the in-depth interview here.