The In-Depth discussion is dedicated to analyse the framework and developments of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).This discussion focused on understanding which are the frameworks and objectives pursued by China through the BRI. In particular is analysed the impact of the so-called BRI’s Land Route on Central Asian Countries and the European Union.
The discussion was moderated by Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, Director of the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC), with two guest speakers: Mr. Andrea Mogni, Senior External Advisor at ENC, who was the Principal Administrator and Policy Coordinator under RELEX and has worked both as a senior foreign affairs advisor and economist for ECFIN and the European External Action Service under the HR Mogherini., and Dr. Nicola Contessi member of the Academic Council of the ENC and international affairs specialist focusing on global governance, rising powers, foreign and security policy and international transport, with particular reference to the Silk Road initiatives.