ENC In-DepthPodcast ENC In-Depth Podcast – One Decade After the 2011 Uprisings: Islamist Militancy in MENA as an EU Security Threat ENC In-Depth Podcast - One Decade After the 2011 Uprisings: Islamist Militancy in MENA as…22/11/2021
ENC In-DepthPodcast ENC In-Depth Podcast: Access To Funding II ENC In-Depth Podcast: Access To Funding II This in-depth discussion is dedicated to "Access to…19/11/2021
ENC In-DepthPodcast ENC Analysis – One Decade After the 2011 Uprisings: Islamist Militancy in MENA as an EU Security Threat The European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) released its new analysis entitled “One Decade After the 2011…16/11/2021
ENC In-DepthPodcast ENC In-Depth Podcast: Access To Funding I ENC In-Depth Podcast: Access To Funding I This ENC In-Depth podcast is the third in…09/11/2021
ENC In-DepthPodcast ENC In-Depth Podcast: CV Writing and Personal Brand Building by European Neighbourhood Council 04/11/2021
ENC In-DepthPodcast ENC In-Depth Podcast – CV Writing and Interview Skills ENC In-Depth Podcast - CV Writing and Interview Skills This ENC In-Depth podcast is the…03/11/2021
ENC In-DepthPodcast ENC In-Depth Podcast – After University: What now? ENC In-Depth Podcast - After University: What now? This ENC In-Depth podcast is the first…29/10/2021
Podcast ENC In-Depth Podcast: Mapping Russia’s Influence in the Kyrgyz Republic ENC In-Depth Podcast: Mapping Russia’s Influence in the Kyrgyz Republic This ENC In-Depth podcast is…29/10/2021
Podcast ENC In-Depth Podcast: China’s Belt and Road-understanding land geography from Beijing to Brussels The In-Depth discussion is dedicated to analyse the framework and developments of China's Belt and…23/10/2021
Podcast ENC In-Depth podcast: Transparency and Investigative Journalism This ENC In-Depth podcast is the first of a series of discussion which are part of…22/10/2021